About Redline Rescue

Red Line Rescue consists of Fire/Rescue, Paramedic, Tech Rescue, and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) that are trained to the highest standards. We have the capability to actively manage all emergency situations in the safest and most efficient ways possible

Our all-Inclusive ground up approach to help build a confined space program for evolving companies will ensure that you comply with OSHA and NFPA standards.

A Permit Required Confined Space exits when one or more of the following exists:

  • Contains or has the potential to contain hazardous atmospheric conditions
  • Contains any material with the potential to engulf an employee inside
  • An internal structure that has the ability to trap an employee due to converging walls or sloping flooring
  • Any other serious health or safety concern

Redline Rescue will assist you in Building your confined space program from the ground up or revamp your already existing program to ensure compliance with the ever-changing OSHA standards. By conducting an on-site job hazard analysis, creating written policies, procedures and full compliance training program, we have separated ourselves from the competition and are quickly becoming the elite company in New England to provide Industrial Confined Space and High Angle Onsite Rescue.


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